Everybody knows that nowadays, many problem facing related to the environment because of no one able to take care of environment. But everybody wants to take from environment but no one want to give something to environment.
In India many regions facing lake of water because in that areas less amount of rainfall occur. But everybody blame to god or other community but now time to wake up and save environment.
Deforestation is occur because increasing in population there are no land is remained for housing. So we have to grow tree per head, then and then we can save environment and increase the rainfall intensity and duration.
In past there were 8745 hours rainfall occur but now in some arid areas less than 100 hours rainfall occur.

As you can less use of smoke vehicle and with increase in use of vehicle as decrease the health of people. So, we have take some action. Before out of house, we have to save environment from our own house, with the less use of water, less use of electricity, clean our nearby areas. 
